An HR specialist is a person who provides strategic support in achieving the overall goals of the company, stimulating the formation and development of human capital in the enterprise. Achieving high performance indicators depends on the workforce, maintaining these indicators depends on the relationship between employees, its sustainability depends on the adequacy of the staffing table, and all this depends on the competent management of human resources by the personnel specialist.
What is Human Resource Management?
Although human resource management is a modern term that is currently used instead of the standard concept of personnel management, according to many experts and researchers, this term is fundamentally different from the concept of personnel management.
The main goal of human resource management is to provide a competitive advantage by increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of working conditions in the enterprise. The task of HR begins with the definition of the purpose and strategy of the company. Man is the source, not the result. If the goal that the company needs to achieve is defined correctly, it will be much easier to choose the right people and act like a company to achieve the goal.
Human resources is the sum of all the work done by all employees of the company with their knowledge, skills, experience, character and performance. The human resource is the company’s most valuable resource. Human resource management is the ability of businesses to use the available human resources in the most efficient and effective way, along with recruiting and creating a more productive human resource.
Layoffs, job changes, industrial accidents and occupational diseases, customer complaints, and the low ability of individuals to work in a team are indicative of some shortcomings in human resource management. Those who manage human resources must investigate these defects in time, identify the causes and eliminate them. Otherwise, the productivity of the organization, its competitiveness, customer satisfaction will decrease, and its losses will increase.
Unlike in the past, the work of a person who knows how to manage human resources is today considered strategic and is considered one of the highest paid professions in the labor market. Because managers understand that if they spend large financial resources and open offices in the most prestigious locations, buy expensive equipment, but human resources are weak, or if specialists leave when they receive offers from other jobs, if employee satisfaction is low, then the organization will not be able to achieve their goals.
In the training offered by “Prima Consulting”, staff training includes payroll and vacations, the recruitment process, office work, etc. It is taught both theoretically and practically on the basis of labor legislation, covering the main topics.